As the founders of our land, Indigenous people have had an intimate relationship with the natural world for centuries. This Indigenous People’s Day, children in grades K-4 will have an opportunity to embrace native traditions, acknowledge the land they stand on, and commune with nature in a special way. Our itinerary will include a game of Story Stones, honoring the practice of group storytelling. We’ll collect some plant material to make our own rainsticks. We’ll taste the last of wild grapes and search for Fall’s new wild edibles. The day will close with a blindfold challenge! Children are sure to leave with unmatched memories of a day filled with equal parts fun and learning.
This is a fully outdoors drop off program that runs rain or shine, so be sure to send your children in clothing and shoes appropriate for the weather and active exploration of the farm. Come bask in the beauty of Fall on Lachat’s expansive property!
Participants must currently be in grades kindergarten to 4.
Registration starts on 09/18/2023 and ends on 10/08/2023.
Please contact Lachat Town Farm if you have any questions.